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The Friday night dinner is a semi-monthly secret dinner in the [San Francisco Bay]] area that is attended by many academics, researchers, authors, and others involved in the study of [psychedelic drugs]]. The dinners are [potlucks]] organized by a [mailing list]], and are known for short as "fnds". Admission of new people is on a selective basis; current members may invite new people they feel they can trust. Drug use is explicitly forbidden at the dinners.

Regular Attendees

  • [Alexander Shulgin]] (godfather of [MDMA]]; inventor of [2C-B]])
  • [Jean Millay]] (the scientist who led the inquiry into [Yuri Geller]])
  • [Ann Shulgin]]
  • [Dennis McKenna]] (brother of [Terence McKenna]])
  • [Bob Wallace]] (before he died in [2003]])
  • [Dale Pendell]]
  • [Myron Stolaroff]]
  • [Mike Crowley]]
  • [Erik Davis]]
  • [Melanie Crowley]]
  • [William Leonard Pickard]] (now serving [life imprisonment]])

Others who have attended

  • [Genesis P-Orridge]]
  • [Albert Hoffman]]
  • [Terence McKenna]]