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Rutherford scattering

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Figure 1. In a cloud chamber, a 5.3 MeV alpha particle track from a lead-210 pin source near point 1 undergoes Rutherford scattering near point 2, deflecting by an angle of about 30°. It scatters once again near point 3, and finally comes to rest in the gas. The target nucleus in the chamber gas could have been a nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, or hydrogen nucleus. It received enough kinetic energy in the elastic collision to cause a short visible recoiling track near point 2. (The scale is in centimeters.)

In particle physics, Rutherford scattering is the elastic scattering of charged particles by the Coulomb interaction. It is a physical phenomenon explained by Ernest Rutherford in 1911[1] that led to the development of the planetary Rutherford model of the atom and eventually the Bohr model. Rutherford scattering was first referred to as Coulomb scattering because it relies only upon the static electric (Coulomb) potential, and the minimum distance between particles is set entirely by this potential. The classical Rutherford scattering process of alpha particles against gold nuclei is an example of "elastic scattering" because neither the alpha particles nor the gold nuclei are internally excited. The Rutherford formula (see below) further neglects the recoil kinetic energy of the massive target nucleus.

Rutherford scattering is now exploited by the materials science community in an analytical technique called Rutherford backscattering.

Key experiments[edit]

Hans Geiger, working in Rutherford's lab, did a series experiments in 1908 showing that alpha particles are "scattered" as they pass through thin layers of mica, and foils of gold and aluminum. In following year, joined by undergraduate Ernest Marsden, they did a series of experiments to untangle confusing results they observed.[2]: 263 

A critical discovery was made by Geiger and Marsden in 1909 when they performed the gold foil experiment in collaboration with Rutherford, in which they fired a beam of alpha particles (helium nuclei) at foils of gold leaf.[3] At the time of the experiment, the atom was thought to be analogous to a plum pudding (as proposed by J. J. Thomson), with the negatively-charged electrons (the plums) studded throughout a positive spherical matrix (the pudding). The scattering in this model was proposed to occur by many repeated collisions with the electrons and the alpha particles should only be deflected by small angles as they pass through.

However, the intriguing results showed that around 1 in 8,000 [2]: 264  alpha particles were deflected by very large angles (over 90°), while the rest passed through with little deflection. From this, Rutherford concluded that the majority of the mass was concentrated in a minute, positively-charged region (the nucleus) surrounded by electrons. When a (positive) alpha particle approached sufficiently close to the nucleus, it was repelled strongly enough to rebound at high angles. The small size of the nucleus explained the small number of alpha particles that were repelled in this way. Rutherford showed, using the method outlined below, that the size of the nucleus was less than about 10−14 m (how much less than this size, Rutherford could not tell from this experiment alone; see more below on this problem of lowest possible size). As a visual example, Figure 1 shows the deflection of an alpha particle by a nucleus in the gas of a cloud chamber.

Atomic model in Rutherford's crucial 1911 paper[edit]

Rutherford begins his 1911 paper[1] with a discussion of Thomson's results on scattering of beta particles, a form of radioactivity that results in high velocity electrons. Thomson's model had electrons circulating inside of a sphere of positive charge. Rutherford highlights the need for compound or multiple scattering events: the deflections predicted for each collision are much less than one degree. He then proposes a model which will produce large deflections on a single encounter: place all of the positive charge at the center of the sphere and ignore the electron scattering as insignificant. The concentrated charge will explain why most alpha particles do not scatter at all – they miss the charge altogether – and yet particles that do hit the center scatter through large angles.[2]: 285 

Maximum nuclear size estimate[edit]

Rutherford begins his analysis by considering a head-on collision between the alpha particle and atom. This will establish the minimum distance between them, a value which will be used throughout his calculations.

Assuming there are no external forces and that initially the alpha particles are far from the nucleus, the inverse-square law between the charges on the alpha particle and nucleus gives the potential energy gained by the particle as it approaches the nucleus. For head-on collisions between alpha particles and the nucleus, all the kinetic energy of the alpha particle is turned into potential energy and the particle stops and turns back.

Schematic view of a head-on collision between an alpha particle and an atom with the minimum distance greatly exaggerated

Where the particle stops, a distance the potential energy matches the original kinetic energy:[4]: 620 [5]: 320 


For an alpha particle:

  • m (mass) = 6.64424×10−27 kg = 3.7273×109 eV/c2
  • q1 (for helium) = 2 × 1.6×10−19 C = 3.2×10−19 C
  • q2 (for gold) = 79 × 1.6×10−19 C = 1.27×10−17 C
  • v (initial velocity) = 2×107 m/s (for this example)

The distance from the alpha particle to the center of the nucleus (rmin) at this point is an upper limit for the nuclear radius. Substituting these in gives the value of about 2.7×10−14 m, or 27 fm. (The true radius is about 7.3 fm.) The true radius of the nucleus is not recovered in these experiments because the alphas do not have enough energy to penetrate to more than 27 fm of the nuclear center, as noted, when the actual radius of gold is 7.3 fm.

Fig. 1. Potential energy diagram for Rutherford's atom model illustrating concentration in the nucleus.

Rutherford's 1911 paper[1] started with a slightly different formula suitable for head-on collision with a sphere of positive charge: Rutherford used as the turning point distance called rmin above and is the radius of the atom. The first term is the Coulomb repulsion used above. This form assumes the alpha particle could penetrate the positive charge. At the time of Rutherford's paper, Thomson's plum pudding model proposed a positive charge with the radius of an atom, thousands of times larger than the rmin found above. Fig. 1 shows how concentrated this potential is compared to the size of the atom.

Single scattering from heavy nuclei[edit]

From his results for a head on collision, Rutherford knows that alpha particle scattering occurs close to the center of an atom, at a radius 10,000 times smaller than the atom. Therefore he ignores the effect of "negative electricity". Furthermore he begins by assuming no energy loss in the collision, that is he ignores the recoil of the target atom. He will revisit each of these issues later in his paper.[1]: 672 

Fig 1, the geometry of Rutherford's scattering formula, alpha particle in red, atom in blue, A for apsis, the point of closest approach

Under these conditions, the alpha particle and atom interact through a central force, a physical problem studied first by Isaac Newton.[6] For the inverse square law like the Coulomb force, a detailed theory was developed under the name of the Kepler problem.[7]: 76  Thus Rutherford proposed that the alpha particle will take a hyperbolic trajectory in the repulsive force near the center of the atom as shown in Fig. 1. He derives his scattering formula by starting with conservation of angular momentum. When the particle of mass and velocity is far from the atom, its angular momentum around the center of the atom will be where is the perpendicular distance between the incoming particle path and the atom, now called the impact parameter. At the point of closest approach, labeled A in the Fig. 1, the angular momentum will be . Thus Rutherford (in a slightly different notation[a]) equates Next he uses conservation of energy at these two points: The left hand side and the first term on the right hand side are the kinetic energies of the particle at the two points; the last term is the potential energy due to the Coulomb force between the particle and atom at the point of closest approach (A). Ne is the nuclear charge of the atom and E is the charge of the alpha particle, both expressed in electrostatic units. Rutherford valued e at 4.65×10−10 esu.

Next Rutherford rearranges the energy equation and divides by half the mass: In the same step he implicitly introduces a variable containing the non-geometrical physical constants of the problem: (This value is the closest approach that Rutherford estimated as earlier in the paper.)

Hyperbola geometry showing polar coordinates and maximum angles, labeled to match Rutherford's 1911 paper.

Having assumed an inverse square law force between the alpha particle and the compact massive charge, Rutherford can use known results from Newtonian gravity, which also an inverse square law.[8]: 151  The appropriate orbit will be hyperbolic since the alpha particle has kinetic energy far from the charge. The hyperbola can be written in polar coordinates with the origin between the two foci as where is the semiminor axis and is the eccentricity. As the alpha particle scatters, the angle swings between two extreme values, These angles correspond to values where the denominator is zero: Rutherford's deflection angle is the same as in his paper he describes the reciprocal of this formula as "the eccentricity is " (see secant).

This eccentricity is also geometrically related to the point of closest approach, and the impact parameter . Rutherford uses trigonometry to connect the scattering angle to these parameters. The atom, at point S in his diagram, is at one focus (a distance SO from the origin) and the turning point at point A is the apse of the hyperbola (a distance OA). The ratio of the focal distance to apse in a hyperbola is the eccentricity: or in terms of the diagram: The distance SO is the hypotenuse of the right triangle with opposite the impact parameter : The distance can then be written in terms of scattering angle and impact parameter: when a half-angle formula is applied.

Dividing the conservation of angular momentum equation by and squaring gives another equation involving the velocity at closest approach, squared: Combining energy and angular momentum equations eliminates the velocity : Using the previous equation for and solving for relates the physical and geometrical variables: The scattering angle of the particle is so his relationship between scattering angle and impact parameter becomes:

Hyperbolic trajectories of alpha particles scattering from Au nucleus (modern radius shown as gray circle) as described in Rutherford's 1911 paper

Rutherford gives some illustrative values as shown in this table:[1]: 673 

Rutherford's angle of deviation table
10 5 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125
5.7° 11.4° 28° 53° 90° 127° 152°

Rutherford's approach to this scattering problem remains a standard treatment in textbooks[8]: 151 [9]: 240 [10]: 400 on classical mechanics.

Intensity vs angle[edit]

Geometry of differential scattering cross-section

To compare to experiments the relationship between impact parameter and scattering angle needs to be converted to probability versus angle. The scattering cross section gives the relative intensity by angles:[7]: 81 

In classical mechanics, the scattering angle Θ is uniquely determined the initial kinetic energy of the incoming particles and the impact parameter p.[7]: 82  Therefore, the number of particles scattered into an angle between Θ and Θ + dΘ must be the same as the number of particles with associated impact parameters between p and p + dp. For an incident intensity I, this implies: Thus the cross section depends on scattering angle as: Using the impact parameter as a function of angle, p(Θ), from the single scattering result above produces the Rutherford scattering cross section:[7]: 84 

Rutherford scattering cross-section is strongly peaked around zero degrees, and yet has nonzero values out to 180 degrees.

This formula predicted the results that Geiger measured in the coming year. The scattering probability into small angles greatly exceeds the probability in to larger angles, reflecting the tiny nucleus surrounded by empty space. However, for rare close encounters, large angle scattering occurs with just a single target.[11]: 19 

At the end of his development of the cross section formula, Rutherford emphasizes that the results apply to single scattering and thus require measurements with thin foils. For thin foils the amount of scattering is proportional to the foil thickness in agreement with Geiger's measurements.[1]

Comparison to JJ Thomson's results[edit]

At the time of Rutherford's paper, JJ Thomson was the "undisputed world master in the design of atoms".[2]: 296  Rutherford needed to compare his new approach to Thomson's. Thomson's model, presented in 1910,[12] modeled the electron collisions with hyperbolic orbits from his 1906 paper[13] combined with a factor for the positive sphere. Multiple resulting small deflections compounded using a random walk.[2]: 277 

In his paper Rutherford emphasized that single scattering alone could account for Thomson's results if the positive charge were concentrated in the center. Rutherford computes the probability of single scattering from a compact charge and demonstrates that it is 3 times larger than Thomson's multiple scattering probability. Rutherford completes his analysis including the effects of density and foil thickness, then concludes that thin foils are governed by single scattering, not multiple scattering.[2]: 298 

Later analysis showed Thomson's scattering model could not account for large scattering. The maximum angular deflection from electron scattering or from the positive sphere each come to less than 0.02°; even many such scattering events compounded would result in less than a one degree average deflection and a probability of scattering through 90° of less than one in 103500.[14]: 106 

Target recoil[edit]

Rutherford's analysis assumed that alpha particle trajectories turned at the center of the atom but the exit velocity was not reduced. This is equivalent to assuming that the concentrated charge at the center had infinite mass or was anchored in place. Rutherford discusses the limitations of this assumption by comparing scattering from lighter atoms like aluminum with heavier atoms like gold. If the concentrated charge is lighter it will recoil from the interaction, gaining momentum while the alpha particle loses momentum and consequently slows down.

Modern treatments analyze this type of Coulomb scattering in the center of mass reference frame. The six coordinates of the two particles (also called "bodies") are converted into three relative coordinates between the two particles and three center-of-mass coordinates moving in space (called the lab frame). The interaction only occurs in the relative coordinates, giving an equivalent one-body problem[7]: 58  just as Rutherford solved, but with different interpretations for the mass and scattering angle.

Rather than the mass of the alpha particle, the more accurate formula including recoil uses reduced mass: For Rutherford's alpha particle scattering from gold, with mass of 197, the reduced mass is very close to the mass of the alpha particle: For lighter aluminum, with mass 27, the effect is greater: a 13% difference in mass. Rutherford notes this difference and suggests experiments be performed with lighter atoms.

The second effect is a change in scattering angle. The angle in the relative coordinate system or center of mass frame needs to be converted to an angle in the lab frame.[7]: 85  In the lab frame, denoted by a subscript L, the scattering angle for a general central potential is For a heavy particle like gold used by Rutherford, and at almost all angles we can neglect this factor: the lab and relative angles are the same, .

The change in scattering angle alters the formula for differential cross-section needed for comparsion to experiment. For any central potential, the differential cross-section in the lab frame is related to that in the center-of-mass frame by[7]: 88  where


Rutherford's 1911 paper caused little reaction.[15]: 192  The paper was primarily about alpha particle scattering in an era before particle scattering was a primary tool for physics. At the time of the paper it was not clear that beta and alpha particles could be treated with the same scattering model.[2]: 302 

Rutherford explicitly ignores the electrons, only mentioning Hantaro Nagaoka's Saturnian model of electrons orbiting a tiny "sun", a model that had been previously rejected as mechanically unstable. By ignoring the electrons Rutherford also ignores any potential implications for atomic spectroscopy for chemistry. [15]: 302  Niels Bohr joined Rutherford in 1912 and developed an his revolutionary new electronic atom model over the next few years.

Newtonian mechanics for scattering[edit]

Rutherford's 1911 paper used the hyperbolic orbit solutions for inverse-square central force problem developed since the time of Isaac Newton and available in textbooks in Rutherford's era, e.g. ref. [16]: 86  Rutherford then shows how this orbit relates the particle impact parameter to deflection angle and how that can be used to predict the experimental intensity versus angle data for his model of the atom. The relation between impact parameter and deflection angle can also be derived using Newtonian mechanics directly.

This section uses the following variables and values for an alpha particle passing by the nucleus of a gold atom:

  • qg = positive charge of the gold atom = 79 e = 1.26×10−17 C
  • qa = charge of the alpha particle = e = 3.20×10−19 C
  • r = radius of the gold atom = 1.44×10−10 m
  • v = speed of the alpha particle = 1.53×107 m/s
  • m = mass of the alpha particle = 6.64×10−27 kg
  • k = Coulomb constant = 8.987×109 N·m2/C2

The scattering geometry is shown in this diagram[17][18]

The impact parameter b is the distance between the alpha particle's initial trajectory and a parallel line that goes through the nucleus. Smaller values of b bring the particle closer to the atom so it feels more deflection force resulting in a larger deflection angle θ. The goal is to find the relationship between b and the deflection angle.

The alpha particle's path is a hyperbola and the net change in momentum runs along the axis of symmetry. From the geometry in the diagram and the magnitude of the initial and final momentum vectors, , the magnitude of can be related to the deflection angle:[18]: 111 

A second formula for involving b will give the relationship to the deflection angle. The net change in momentum can also be found by adding small increments to momentum all along the trajectory using the integral where is the distance between the alpha particle and the center of the nucleus and is its angle from the axis of symmetry. These two are the polar coordinates of the alpha particle at time . Here the Coulomb force exerted along the line between the alpha particle and the atom is and the factor gives that part of the force causing deflection.

The polar coordinates R and φ depend on t in the integral, but they must be related to each other as they both vary as the particle moves. Changing the variable and limits of integration from t to φ makes this connection explicit:[18]: 112 

The factor is the reciprocal of the angular velocity the particle. Since the force is only along the line between the particle and the atom, the angular momentum, which is proportional to the angular velocity, is constant: This law of conservation of angular momentum gives a formula for :

Replacing in the integral for ΔP simultaneously eliminates the dependence on R and the integral is well-known:

Applying to simplify this result gives the second formula for : Solving for θ as a function of b gives the final result

Evaluating the formula for an impact parameter, b, equal to the radius of a gold nucleus, 7×10−15 m, gives the deflection angle θ as 2.56 radians (147°). Using instead the radius of a gold atom is 1.44×10−10 m results in a tiny deflection angle θ of 0.000325 radians (0.0186°).[19]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Rutherford's SA is here


  1. ^ a b c d e f Rutherford, E. (1911). "LXXIX. The scattering of α and β particles by matter and the structure of the atom" (PDF). The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 21 (125): 669–688. doi:10.1080/14786440508637080. ISSN 1941-5982.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Heilbron, John L. (1968). "The Scattering of α and β Particles and Rutherford's Atom". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 4 (4): 247–307. doi:10.1007/BF00411591. ISSN 0003-9519. JSTOR 41133273.
  3. ^ Geiger, H.; Marsden, E. (1909). "On a Diffuse Reflection of the α-Particles". Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 82 (557): 495–500. Bibcode:1909RSPSA..82..495G. doi:10.1098/rspa.1909.0054. Archived from the original on January 2, 2008.
  4. ^ "Electrons (+ and -), Protons, Photons, Neutrons, Mesotrons and Cosmic Rays" By Robert Andrews Millikan. Revised edition. Pp. x+642. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press; London: Cambridge University Press, 1947.)
  5. ^ Cooper, L. N. (1970). "An Introduction to the Meaning and Structure of Physics". Japan: Harper & Row.
  6. ^ Speiser, David (1996). "The Kepler Problem from Newton to Johann Bernoulli". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 50 (2): 103–116. doi:10.1007/BF02327155. ISSN 0003-9519.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Goldstein, Herbert. Classical Mechanics. United States, Addison-Wesley, 1950.
  8. ^ a b Hand, Louis N.; Finch, Janet D. (1998-11-13). Analytical Mechanics. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511801662. ISBN 978-0-521-57572-0.
  9. ^ Fowles, Grant R.; Cassiday, George L. (1993). Analytical mechanics. Saunders golden sunburst series (5th ed.). Fort Worth: Saunders College Pub. ISBN 978-0-03-096022-2.
  10. ^ Webber, B.R.; Davis, E.A. (February 2012). "Commentary on 'The scattering of α and β particles by matter and the structure of the atom' by E. Rutherford (Philosophical Magazine 21 (1911) 669–688)". Philosophical Magazine. 92 (4): 399–405. Bibcode:2012PMag...92..399W. doi:10.1080/14786435.2011.614643. ISSN 1478-6435.
  11. ^ Karplus, Martin, and Richard Needham Porter. "Atoms and molecules; an introduction for students of physical chemistry." Atoms and molecules; an introduction for students of physical chemistry (1970).
  12. ^ Thomson, Joseph J. (1910). "On the scattering of rapidly moving electrified particles". Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 15: 465–471.
  13. ^ Thomson, J.J. (1906). "LXX. On the number of corpuscles in an atom". The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 11 (66): 769–781. doi:10.1080/14786440609463496. ISSN 1941-5982.
  14. ^ Beiser, A. (1969). "Perspectives of Modern Physics". Japan: McGraw-Hill.
  15. ^ a b Pais, Abraham (2002). Inward bound: of matter and forces in the physical world (Reprint ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press [u.a.] ISBN 978-0-19-851997-3.
  16. ^ Whittaker, E. T.; McCrae, Sir William (1988-12-15). A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies (1 ed.). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511608797. ISBN 978-0-521-35883-5.
  17. ^ "Impact Parameter for Nuclear Scattering". HyperPhysics. Georgia State University. Retrieved 2024-05-30.
  18. ^ a b c Beiser (1969). Perspectives of Modern Physics, p. 109-113
  19. ^ "Determining the Impact Parameter". HyperPhysics. Georgia State University. Retrieved 2024-07-05.

Further reading[edit]