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User:Mervyn/Timeline of communications and media

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timeline of communications and media is a temporary personal working list of notable events -- a check list to see if wikipedia has an article. Needs much disambiguation.


  • 1714 first typewriter patented by Henry Mill in England
  • 1719 Reaumur proposes using wood to make paper
  • 1720 South Sea Bubble bursts
  • 1724 Thomas Longman founded
  • 1727 The Gentleman's Magazine, first modern magazine
  • 1741 first magazine in America is published - American Magazine
  • 1742 Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine prints first American magazine ads
  • 1755 Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language
  • 1757 Whatman invents wove paper
  • 1762 John Murray (publisher) founded
  • 1764 Fournier develops point system to measure type sizes
  • 1765 earliest known children's pop-up book
  • 1768 first edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • 1768 first Letters of Junius in England
  • 1768 first voyage of Cook's Endeavour
  • 1770 gum eraser
  • 1770 Eyre & Spottiswoode founded
  • 1772 first English patent for coloured ink
  • 1774 paper whitener kyle was born in jamaica
  • 1783 Glasgow Herald founded
  • 1784 first edition of The Times
  • 1786 Playfair's Commercial & Political Atlas
  • 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man
  • 1791 establishment of the Observer
  • 1792 Chappe's mechanical semaphore in France
  • 1792 New York Stock Exchange established
  • 1792 postal money orders in Britain
  • 1794 Metric system in France
  • 1798 Thomas Malthus's first Essay on Population
  • 1798 Alois Senefelder invents lithography
  • 1799 paper-making machine invented in France by Robert


  • 1801 Jacquard invents punch-card control for looms
  • 1803 Sydney Gazette & NSW Advertiser - first newspaper in Australia
  • 1804 Bonnier founded
  • 1806 carbon paper
  • 1807 camera lucida
  • 1807 John Wiley opens shop
  • 1807 A&C Black founded
  • 1811 Luddite riots in Nottingham
  • 1812 Churchill Livingstone founded
  • 1813 can opener invented
  • 1814 The Times printed by steam-powered rotary press
  • 1815 patent for lined notepaper
  • 1817 Berzelius isolates selenium
  • 1817 Ricardo's On the Principles of Political Economy & Taxation
  • 1817 Sir David Brewster patents the kaleidoscope ¥
  • 1817 Say's Catechism of Political Economy
  • 1818 Butterworth founded
  • 1820 first manufactured calculating machine, de Colmar's Arithometer
  • 1822 het Algemeen Handelsblad founded
  • 1822 Daguerre and Bouton stage the first diorama in Paris
  • 1823 Charles Babbage builds section of calculating machine
  • 1825 First railway opens, from Stockton to Darlington
  • 1827 Niépce makes first true photograph
  • 1827 first microphone constructed by Wheatstone
  • 1827 Samuel F. B. Morse founds Journal of Commerce
  • 1829 first US patent for a typewriter
  • 1829 Wheatstone uses punched paper tape to store data
  • 1830 number of ads in British newspapers rises to 877,972 pa
  • 1830 Stamp Tax abolished in Australia
  • 1832 Havas news agency established
  • 1833 experimental 1 kilometre-long electric telegraph in Germany
  • 1834 Babbage conceives Analytical Engine
  • 1834 Routledge founded
  • 1835 Bertelsmann founded as a religious printer
  • 1835 Agence Havas news and advertising agency founded
  • 1835 Libel Act in England establishes truth allowed as defence in defamation for first time in UK
  • 1836 General Register Office in the UK
  • 1837 Wheatstone and Cooke patent electric telegraph
  • 1837 Samuel F. B. Morse exhibits electric telegraph in US
  • 1837 world's largest newspaper, New York Sun, has 30 000 circulation
  • 1837 Pitman publishes book on shorthand
  • 1838 Jacobi introduces the electrotype, permitting extended print runs for illustrated publications ¥
  • 1838 London to Birmingham railway opens ¥
  • 1838 Daguerre-Niépce method begins photographic revolution
  • 1839 William Fox Talbot in England produces photographs from negatives
  • 1839 electrotyping (duplicating of printing plates) invented by Jacobi
  • 1839 electricity used to run printing press
  • 1839 Henri Becquerel notes electrochemical effects of light
  • 1840 first postage stamps sold in Britain
  • 1841 Volney Palmer, first media broker
  • 1841 first type-composing machine used in London
  • 1842 Illustrated London News appears
  • 1842 Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) appears
  • 1842 Galveston Daily News founded
  • 1843 first Christmas card commissioned by Henry Cole from artist John Calcott Horsley
  • 1843 Economist founded
  • 1843 Macmillan founded
  • 1843 photographic enlarger
  • 1843 Ada Lovelace publishes Notes about Computing
  • 1843 first public telegraph line, from Paddington to Slough
  • 1843 News of the World mass-market newspaper begins publication ¥
  • 1844 Pearson media group founded as UK civil engineering contractor
  • 1844 Toronto Globe founded
  • 1844 de Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant founded
  • 1844 Samuel F. B. Morse's telegraph connects Washington and Baltimore
  • 1844 First photographically illustrated book published
  • 1845 Straits Times launched
  • 1845 cable laid across English Channel
  • 1845 typewriter ribbon
  • 1846 double cylinder rotary press produces 8,000 sheets per hour
  • 1846 Melbourne Argus appears
  • 1846 Moreton Bay (Brisbane) Courier
  • 1847 Levi Strauss invents denim jeans
  • 1847 Bakewell develops "copying telegraph"
  • 1847 Uusi Suomi founded
  • 1848 Mill's Principles of Political Economy
  • 1848 Marx's Das Kapital
  • 1848 first WH Smith railway bookstall
  • 1848 Cassell founded
  • 1848 first issue of Chicago Tribune
  • 1848 first US postage stamp
  • 1849 photographic slide
  • 1849 first French postage stamp
  • 1849 Howe patents safety-pin


  • 1850 first machine-made paper bag
  • 1850 Mannheim designs logarithmic slide rule
  • 1850 number of magazines published in US reaches 685
  • 1851 Great Exhibition in London
  • 1851 first edition of New York Times
  • 1851 Archer invents wet-plate photography
  • 1851 patent for Singer sewing machine
  • 1851 first Canadian postage stamp
  • 1851 Reuters established
  • 1851 Collodion (wet plate) photographic process introduced ¥
  • 1851 First pillar box appears, invented by Trollope, the novelist
  • 1853 envelopes made by paper folding machine
  • 1853 establishment of Compagnie Générale des Eaux, precursor of Vivendi
  • 1854 telegraph used in Crimean War
  • 1854 Wheatstone invents Playfair cipher
  • 1854 Boole's Laws of Thought
  • 1854 first Australian telegraph line (Melbourne to Williamstown)
  • 1854 Carte-de-visite process simplifies photography
  • 1855 compulsory prepayment of postage in US
  • 1855 Hughes' printing telegraph
  • 1855 pre-payment of letters made compulsory in US
  • 1855 Maury's The Physical Geography of the Sea
  • 1855 registered letters enter service in US
  • 1855 Thomas Cook starts continental tours
  • 1856 Poitevan develops photolithography
  • 1856 blotting paper replaces sand boxes
  • 1856 machine-folding of newspapers
  • 1856 Symes buy The Age
  • 1858 failure of first transatlantic telegraph service
  • 1858 eraser fitted to end of pencil
  • 1858 first aerial photograph
  • 1858 Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney linked by telegraph
  • 1859 development of wide-angle camera lens
  • 1859 cable across Bass Strait
  • 1859 Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species published in London ¥
  • 1859 John Stuart Mill's On Liberty
  • 1859 Great Moral History of Port Curtis, Australia's first comic
  • 1860 Sholes builds functional typewriter
  • 1860 Schibsted launches Aftenposten
  • 1861 - First transatlantic telephone cable laid
  • 1861 end of Pony Express in US
  • 1861 first colour photograph taken by James Clerk Maxwell
  • 1862 drawing is sent over a wire by Caselli
  • 1862 first US national paper money
  • 1863First underground railway in London
  • 1863 uniform postage rates in US
  • 1863 rollerskates invented
  • 1865 Atlantic cable links US and Europe
  • 1865 Nokia established as pulp and paper mill
  • 1866 Holt Rinehart Winston founded
  • 1867 Cahalan invents stock ticker
  • 1868 writing machine first called a 'Type-Writer'
  • 1869 establishment of N W Ayer, first US ad agency
  • 1869 UK private telegraph companies nationalised
  • 1869 transcontinental railway completed in US
  • 1869 Suez Canal opened
  • 1870 stock ticker used by Wall Street
  • 1870 first British postcard devised by Anthony Trollope
  • 1871 Bates establishes first ad agency offering "creative services"
  • 1871 Hoe perfects continuous roll press
  • 1871 first newspaper printing of pictures (using halftone)
  • 1872 simultaneous transmission from both ends of a telegraph wire
  • 1872 US$1 million budget for advertising Lydia Pinkham's Pink Pills
  • 1872 Overland Telegraph Line links Melbourne to Darwin, with connection to Europe
  • 1873 D'Alzon founds Bonne Presse and Pelerin
  • 1873 US 'Comstock Act' criminalises use of mail for distributing any 'obscene, lewd or lascivious book or other publication of indecent character'
  • 1873 illustrated daily newspaper appears in New York
  • 1873 Maxwell publishes theory of radio waves
  • 1873 Dewey develops Dewey Decimal System for Amherst College Library
  • 1873 Remington starts manufacturing Sholes' typewriters
  • 1873 typewriters get the QWERTY pseudo-scientific keyboard
  • 1873 Parmalee invents automatic fire sprinklers
  • 1873 Mith and May note photoconductivity of selenium
  • 1874 Universal Postal Union (UPU) formed
  • 1874 Yomiuri Shimbun founded
  • 1875 mimeograph invented by Edison
  • 1875 UK Trade Marks Registration Act establishes Trade Marks Registry
  • 1875 John Wiley & Son incorporated
  • 1876 Bell invents telephone
  • 1876 Corriere della Sera founded
  • 1876 Chugai bukka shinpo (later Nikkei Shimbun) founded
  • 1877 Washington Post founded
  • 1877 Charles Cros and Thomas Edison invent phonograph
  • 1877 first commercial telephone is introduced
  • 1878 Edweard Muybridge photographs horse in motion
  • 1878 Scripps newspaper group founded
  • 1878 cathode ray tube invented by Crookes
  • 1878 microphone invented
  • 1878 telephone directories are issued
  • 1878 full page newspaper ads
  • 1878 dry-plate photography
  • 1879 Benday process assists newspaper illustration
  • 1879 first telephone service in Australia connects Melbourne and South Melbourne offices of Robinson Brothers
  • 1879 Sydney Daily Telegraph appears
  • 1879 Asahi Shimbun founded
  • 1879 Dahl's 'sulfate' method for practical manufacture of paper from wood pulp
  • 1879 Frege proposes notational system for mechanical reasoning
  • 1880 first photos in newspapers using halftones
  • 1880 Edison and Swan invent electric light
  • 1880 first parcel post
  • 1880 US-owned telephone companies in UK merge to form United Telephone Company (later National Telephone Co)
  • 1880 first Australian telephone exchange opened in Melbourne
  • 1880 telecommunications company Bell Canada established
  • 1881 Electric lighting installed in the Savoy Theatre, London
  • 1882 Married Womens' Property Act in UK
  • 1882 first wirephotos
  • 1882 first national US ad (by P&G for Ivory soap)
  • 1883 First photogravure printed in Britain
  • 1883 Halftone printing plates introduced
  • 1883 Stillwell invents brown paper bag
  • 1883 Curtis founds Ladies' Home Journal
  • 1884 Vort Arbeid newspaper founded
  • 1884 early version of television technology - Nipkow scanning disk
  • 1884 long distance telephone calls
  • 1884 electric tabulator
  • 1884 Waterman's fountain pen
  • 1885 First practical motor car with an internal combustion engine built by Karl Benz ¥
  • 1885 AT&T formed
  • 1885 cylinder-based dictating machines
  • 1885 coated photo printing paper made by Eastman
  • 1886 Mergenthaler's linotype machine
  • 1886 Sears Roebuck, forerunner of Amazon.com, starts mail-order business
  • 1886 first Berne Copyright Convention
  • 1886 Coca-Cola syrup invented
  • 1886 Hollerith forms Tabulating Machine Company
  • 1887 est. 5,400 cash registers in US (increases to 16,900 in 1890)
  • 1887 Celluloid photographic film introduced
  • 1887 US Interstate Commerce Act
  • 1887 Berliner patents phonographic disk
  • 1887 Comptometer multi-function adding machine is manufactured
  • 1887 Bodley Head founded
  • 1887 dynamite invented (NO! Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1863!)
  • 1887 Hutchinson founded
  • 1887 Winfrey buys Spalding Guardian
  • 1888 Kodak box camera
  • 1888 Hertz proves existence of radio waves
  • 1888 coin-operated public telephone
  • 1888 J M Dent founded
  • 1888 Burroughs patents adding machine
  • 1889 Hollerith's punch card machine used in US census
  • 1889 automatic telephone exchange
  • 1890 AB Dick markets mimeograph
  • 1890 New York Phonograph Co opens first purpose-built recording studio
  • 1890 Launch of the Daily Graphic, the first illustrated newspaper
  • 1890 zipper
  • 1890 rotogravure press
  • 1890 Constable founded
  • 1891 telephoto lens is attached to the camera
  • 1891 first telephone link between London & Paris
  • 1891 International Copyright Convention
  • 1892 Edison and Dickson invent peep-show Kinetoscope
  • 1892 4-colour rotary press
  • 1892 portable typewriters
  • 1892 Herman Ridder buys New York Staats-Zeitung
  • 1893 World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus landing in America
  • 1893 Coca-Cola trademark registered
  • 1894 Marconi invents wireless telegraphy
  • 1895 Lumière brothers invent Cinématograph
  • 1895 William Friese-Greene invents phototypesetting
  • 1895 Kellogg's Corn Flakes
  • 1895 first Times Atlas of the World
  • 1896 first edition of Daily Mail
  • 1896 Henry Ford builds Quadricycle
  • 1896 Underwood model permits typists to see what they are typing
  • 1896 X-ray photography invented
  • 1896 first US cinema opens
  • 1897 Braun invents cathode-ray tube
  • 1897 General Electric creates corporate publicity department
  • 1897 Curtis launches Saturday Evening Post
  • 1898 photographs taken by artificial light
  • 1898 New York State passes law against misleading advertising
  • 1898 Duckworth founded
  • 1898 Kauppalehti daily founded
  • 1898 James M Cox buys Dayton Evening News
  • 1899 loudspeaker is invented
  • 1899 magnetic sound recording
  • 1899 American Marconi Company (forerunner of RCA)
  • 1899 Burroughs Adding Machine Company
  • 1899 Thorsten Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class
  • 1899 Kraus launches Die Fackel


  • 1900 Kodak Brownie
  • 1900 est. 1.4 million telephones, 8,000 registered automobiles and 24 million electric light bulbs in US
  • 1900 'television' coined in France
  • 1900 price of 'chemical' wood pulp reaches US$36 per tonne, down from US$344 per tonne in 1866
  • 1900 'His Master's Voice' (HMV) registered as trademark in Britain
  • 1901 first electric typewriter, the Blickensderfer
  • 1901 first UK cinema opens
  • 1901 Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams
  • 1901 Gillette introduces double-edged safety razor
  • 1901 Marconi sends radio signal across Atlantic
  • 1901 establishment of Australian Commonwealth; PostMaster-General's 16,000 staff account for 90% of federal bureaucracy
  • 1901 22,310 telephone subscribers in Australia (79% in capital cities)
  • 1902 US Navy installs radio telephones aboard ships
  • 1902 photoelectric scanning used for image transfer
  • 1902 invention of the Teddy Bear
  • 1902 national syndication of comic strips in US begins when Hearst licenses his strips to other newspapers
  • 1902 Trans-Pacific telephone cable connects Canada and Australia
  • 1903 London Daily Mirror illustrates only with photographs
  • 1903 Ford Motor Co incorporated
  • 1904 telephone answering machine
  • 1904 photograph transmitted by wire in Germany
  • 1904 comic book
  • 1904 death of Joseph Pulitzer
  • 1904 double-sided phonograph disc
  • 1905 invention of the Yellow Pages
  • 1905 juke box
  • 1905 Australian Wireless Telegraphy Act regulates local airwaves
  • 1906 offset press
  • 1906 first classical music radio broadcast
  • 1906 de Forest invents three-element vacuum tube
  • 1906 Dunwoody and Pickard build crystal-&-cat's-whisker radio
  • 1906 animated cartoon film
  • 1906 Fessenden invents wireless telephony
  • 1906 experimental sound-on-film motion picture
  • 1906 experimental radio transmissions at Queenscliff, Victoria and Devonport, Tasmania by the Marconi Company
  • 1907 Bell & Howell develop a film projection system
  • 1907 Lumiere brothers invent still colour photography process
  • 1907 electric washing machine - The Thor
  • 1907 United Press International (UPI) founded
  • 1907 Melbourne to Sydney telephone trunk line
  • 1908 Ford's Model T
  • 1908 electric iron and toaster patented
  • 1908 Mills & Boon founded
  • 1908 Sidgwick & Jackson founded
  • 1909 radio distress signal saves 1,700 lives after ships collide
  • 1909 first broadcast talk (on votes for women)
  • 1909 pianos reach maximum market penetration in UK households at one per ten people
  • 1910 Amalgamated Wireless Australia (AWA) formed
  • 1910 first live opera broadcast
  • 1910 Harrap founded
  • 1911 UK and Australian Copyright Acts provide protection for author's lifetime plus 50 years
  • 1911 American Tobacco Company controls 92% of world's tobacco business, just a bit more than Microsoft's share of the browser market in early 2001
  • 1911 Photoplay magazine launched - first movie fan magazine and "genesis of celebrity culture"
  • 1911 nationalisation of National Telephone Co in UK
  • 1912 sinking of RMS Titanic
  • 1912 Mises' The Theory of Money & Credit
  • 1912 US passes law to control radio stations
  • 1912 first neon sign
  • 1912 first airmail
  • 1912 first automatic telephone exchange in Australia
  • 1913 portable phonograph
  • 1913 est one-third of British households own a phonograph
  • 1913 first newspaper crossword puzzle
  • 1914 radio message is sent to an airplane
  • 1914 35mm still camera
  • 1914 American Audit Bureau of Circulations formed
  • 1914 ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers) founded
  • 1914 Allen & Unwin founded
  • 1914 first transcontinental telephone call in US
  • 1914 Melbourne to Adelaide telephone trunk
  • 1915 wireless radio service connects US and Japan
  • 1915 radio-telephone carries speech across Atlantic
  • 1915 Birth of a Nation
  • 1915 electric loudspeaker
  • 1916 United Newspapers formed in UK
  • 1916 Sarnoff envisages radio as "a household utility"
  • 1916 cameras get optical rangefinders
  • 1916 radios get tuners
  • 1916 US postal inspectors solve last known stagecoach robbery
  • 1917 photocomposition begins
  • 1917 Wente's condenser microphone
  • 1917 Capek uses term "robot" in Opilek
  • 1918 first regular airmail service: Washington to New York
  • 1918 Beaverbrook founds Sunday Express
  • 1918 first direct radio message from UK to Australia received at AWA's Wahroonga facility
  • 1919 rotary dial telephones
  • 1919 Eccles & Jordan's flip-flop circuit
  • 1919 shortwave radio
  • 1919 est. 1 million miles flown on scheduled routes (with 7,500 passengers)


  • 1920 Pearson-controlled Westminister Press buys UK provincial newspaper chains
  • 1920 merger of Agence Havas and Société Générale des Annonces advertising agency
  • 1920 Heinemann founded
  • 1920 first broadcasting stations opened
  • 1920 KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasts first scheduled radio programs
  • 1920 first US transcontinental airmail
  • 1921 Wittgenstein's Tractatus
  • 1921 de Volkskrant founded
  • 1921 Western Union begins wirephoto service
  • 1921 soap powder for washing machines
  • 1921 first hamburger chain, White Castle
  • 1921 Thorsten Veblen's The Engineers & the Price System
  • 1922 UK BBC formed as commercial radio broadcaster
  • 1922 UFA film company founded in Berlin
  • 1922 Technicolour introduces two-colour process for movies
  • 1922 average US weekly movie attendance is 40 million (1.56 per household)
  • 1922 first film with optical sound track produced by UFA
  • 1922 first radio advertisement in USA, US$100 for ten minutes
  • 1922 first 3-D movie
  • 1922 Dwiggins coins term 'graphic design'
  • 1922 Nanook of the North, first documentary
  • 1922 first portable radio in US
  • 1923 Sydney to Brisbane telephone trunk line
  • 1923 Disneys found film studio in Hollywood
  • 1923 electric guitar
  • 1923 first commercial radio broadcasting in Australia
  • 1923 Book-of-the-Month Club founded
  • 1923 Phaidon founded
  • 1923 Zworykin's electronic iconoscope camera and kinescope display
  • 1923 A C Nielsen founded
  • 1923 Young & Rubicam founded
  • 1923 16mm nonflammable film
  • 1923 Kodak introduces home movie equipment
  • 1923 Time magazine
  • 1923 Edward Bernays writes Crystallizing Public Opinion
  • 1924 Marlboro is launched, targeted at women with the line 'Mild as May'
  • 1924 invention of spiral binding for notebooks
  • 1924 invention of Vegemite
  • 1924 The Eveready Hour is the first sponsored radio program in US
  • 1924 IBM incorporated
  • 1924 Music Corporation of America (MCA) founded
  • 1924 2.5 million radio sets in the US
  • 1925 Leica 35 mm camera
  • 1925 commercial picture facsimile radio service across the US
  • 1925 electric phonograph
  • 1925 wide-screen film
  • 1925 Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
  • 1925 AT&T establishes Bell Labs
  • 1925 Random House founded
  • 1925 Faber & Gwyer founded
  • 1925 Marinho takes control of O Globo newspaper
  • 1926 General Electric forms Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
  • 1926 Belo founded
  • 1926 UK government nationalises BBC
  • 1926 Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) - Japan Broadcasting Corporation founded
  • 1926 first radio jingle: Wheaties
  • 1926 commercial picture facsimile radio service across Atlantic
  • 1926 Baird demonstrates electro-mechanical TV system
  • 1926 first 16mm movie is shot in the US
  • 1926 NBC radio network
  • 1926 Bell Labs transmit film by television
  • 1926 Aniline printing developed
  • 1926 Ridder buys Journal of Commerce
  • 1927 NBC begins two radio networks
  • 1927 Jolson's The Jazz Singer is the first popular "talkie"
  • 1927 Lang's Metropolis
  • 1927 Movietone offers sound newsreels
  • 1927 US Radio Act declares public ownership of the airwaves and establishes federal Radio Commission
  • 1927 Technicolor
  • 1927 JVC formed
  • 1927 Remington Rand formed
  • 1927 Gollancz founded
  • 1928 US broadcasters agree to ban radio ads during 'family hour'
  • 1928 Baird demonstrates colour TV on electro-mechanical system
  • 1928 first Mickey Mouse cartoon
  • 1928 teletype machine
  • 1928 Baird beams TV image from UK to US
  • 1928 first scheduled television broadcasts in US
  • 1928 IBM adopts 80-column punched card
  • 1928 United Independent Broadcasters restructured as Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
  • 1929 Associated Newspapers formed in Australia through merger of S Bennett Ltd with Denison's Sun Newspapers
  • 1929 Cisneros founded
  • 1929 Decca records founded in UK
  • 1929 Nyquist Theorem
  • 1929 telegraph ticker sends 500 characters per minute
  • 1929 ship passengers can phone relatives ashore
  • 1929 brokers watch stock prices on an automated electric board
  • 1929 Sydney-Melbourne picturegram service launched
  • 1929 car radio invented
  • 1929 first magnetic sound recording on plastic tape
  • 1929 first television studio built in London
  • 1929 Variety reports that 'Wall Street Lays An Egg'
  • 1929 Bell Labs transmits stills in colour by mechanical scanning
  • 1929 Zworykin's cathode-ray tube "kinescope" receiver, 60 scan lines
  • 1929 Baird's tv transmissions using BBC radio towers during off hours
  • 1929 est. 57 million miles flown on scheduled routes (with 434,00 passengers)
  • 1930 Sidney & Cecil Bernstein open Granada Cinema
  • 1930 Experimental 30-line TV transmissions in the UK
  • 1930 photo flashbulbs replace flash powder
  • 1930 first use of TV for advertising via closed circuit in UK and US
  • 1930 Lowell Thomas comperes first regular US network newscast
  • 1930 Bush's differential analyzer
  • 1930 AT&T trials picture telephone
  • 1930 Melbourne to Perth telephone trunk line
  • 1930 London to Melbourne telephone service
  • 1930 Curtis buys Philadelphia Inquirer
  • 1931 commercial teletype service
  • 1931 electronic TV broadcasts in Los Angeles and Moscow
  • 1931 exposure meters on sale to photographers
  • 1931 Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
  • 1931 EMI formed in UK
  • 1931 incorporation of Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Radiodiffusion (CLR)
  • 1931 Crossley system for rating size of radio program audiences
  • 1932 General Electric divests RCA
  • 1932 first colour photo in a British newspaper, The Times
  • 1932 Times uses Morrison's new Times Roman typeface
  • 1932 Kodak introduces 8 mm film for home movies
  • 1932 stereophonic sound in a motion picture, Gance's Napoleon
  • 1932 Zoom lens invented
  • 1932 NBC and CBS allow prices to be mentioned in radio commercials
  • 1932 International Telecommunications Union
  • 1932 Berle & Means' The Modern Corporation & Private Property
  • 1933 first Mars bar
  • 1933 Edwin Armstrong invents FM
  • 1933 singing telegrams
  • 1933 Homer Capehart sells Simplex record changer to Wurlitzer Co as basis for jukebox
  • 1933 Dreft, first household detergent
  • 1933 stereo phonograph records
  • 1933 Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) established
  • 1934 US Communications Act of 1934 creates federal Communications Commission
  • 1934 drive-in movie theater opens in New Jersey
  • 1934 Associated Press starts wirephoto service
  • 1934 first overseas radiophoto published in Australian newspapers
  • 1934 first mobile television truck captures Nazi rally
  • 1934 3-colour Technicolor used in live action film
  • 1934 half US homes have radios
  • 1934 Muzak founded
  • 1935 audio tape recorders on sale in Germany
  • 1935 IBM markets electric typewriter
  • 1935 IBM markets 601 tabulator
  • 1935 first Kit Kat in UK
  • 1935 first Penguin paperback
  • 1935 Michael Joseph founded
  • 1935 all-electronic VHF television
  • 1935 Eastman-Kodak develops Kodachrome colour film
  • 1936 Berlin Olympics are televised closed circuit
  • 1936 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
  • 1936 coaxial cable connects New York to Philadelphia
  • 1936 Turing describes a general purpose computer
  • 1936 Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
  • 1936 Life launched
  • 1936 Packers buy Sydney Daily Telegraph from Associated Newspapers
  • 1936 Keynes's General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money
  • 1937 Turing's On Computable Numbers introduces Turing machine
  • 1937 NBC sends mobile TV truck onto New York streets
  • 1937 Hindenburg crash broadcast coast to coast in US
  • 1937 Greater Union Theatres (GU) group in Australia
  • 1937 Photocopier invented by Carlson
  • 1937 Snow White is first feature-length cartoon
  • 1938 Baird demonstrates live TV in colour
  • 1938 Biro brothers invent ballpoint pen
  • 1938 CBS World News Roundup ushers in modern newscasting
  • 1938 radio surpasses magazines as a source of ad revenue in US
  • 1938 U Penn plays first publicly televised game of US football
  • 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast frightens chattering classes
  • 1938 Hulton Press Library founded as archive for Picture Post magazine
  • 1939 Cox buys The Atlanta Journal
  • 1939 Atanasoff-Berry Computer, first electronic digital computer
  • 1939 300,000 jukeboxes in US
  • 1939 New York World's Fair shows television to public
  • 1939 first regular TV ads
  • 1939 radio in 75% of German households
  • 1939 Hewlett-Packard

1940 - 1959

  • 1940 Walt Disney's Fantasia introduces stereo sound
  • 1940 CBS demonstrates color television in New York
  • 1940 80% of US homes have radio
  • 1940 Wilson's To the Finland Station
  • 1941 Citizen Kane
  • 1941 stereo installed in Moscow movie theater
  • 1941 FCC sets US TV standards
  • 1941 first colour TV commercial, for Bulova watches
  • 1941 microwave transmission
  • 1941 Zuse's Z3 computer
  • 1942 Academic Press founded
  • 1942 Lamarr & Antheil patent for secure "spread spectrum" communications
  • 1942 Kodacolour process produces the colour print
  • 1944 Harvard's Mark I, first digital computer
  • 1944 IBM offers typewriter with proportional spacing
  • 1944 first high-fidelity recordings
  • 1944 von Neumann & Morgenstern's Theory of Games & Economic Behavior
  • 1945 Clarke describes geosynchronous communication satellites
  • 1945 Bush's 'Memex' article
  • 1945 est. 10,000 television sets in US
  • 1946 6,500 television receivers sold in US
  • 1946 Lanham Act in US
  • 1946 term 'bit' used for first time by John Tukey
  • 1946 first network soap opera
  • 1946 jukeboxes go into mass production
  • 1946 ENIAC makes 5,000 additions in one second
  • 1946 automobile radio telephones connect to US phone network
  • 1946 Love Me Sailor censorship trial in Australia
  • 1946 Axel Springer founds Nordwestdeutsche Hefte and Hör Zu magazine
  • 1946 Rupert Hart-Davis founded
  • 1946 over 200 new mass-oriented magazines launched in US
  • 1946 IBM markets 603 electronic tabulator
  • 1946 Universal Pictures merges with International Pictures to become Universal International
  • 1947 invention of transistor
  • 1947 zoom lens used in US baseball world series TV
  • 1947 holography
  • 1947 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) becomes UN agency
  • 1948 Claude Shannon's A Mathematical Theory of Communication
  • 1948 Wiener's Cybernetics
  • 1948 invention of LP record and Polaroid camera
  • 1948 News of the World sells 8 million copies in UK
  • 1948 Holtzbrinck founded
  • 1948 Brost buys licence for Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ)
  • 1948 establishment of Australian Broadcasting Control Board
  • 1948 US weekly cinema population peaks at 90 million
  • 1948 IBM markets 604 tabulator
  • 1949 birth of US network TV
  • 1949 disposable syringe invented in Australia
  • 1949 RCA introduces 45 rpm record
  • 1949 regional use of cable television in US
  • 1949 first commercial computer
  • 1949 magnetic core computer memory
  • 1949 Australian CSIRAC computer perform its first controlled program
  • 1949 The Lone Ranger and Hopalong Cassidy initiate tv Western genre
  • 1949 Weidenfeld & Nicolson founded
  • 1949 Thames & Hudson founded
  • 1950 Turing's Computing Machinery & Intelligence
  • 1950 Remington-Rand acquires Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp
  • 1950 NBC launches Today show and The Adventures of Superman
  • 1950 Phonevision, first pay-per-view service
  • 1950 AC Nielsen's Audimeters start to track TV viewing
  • 1950 changeable typewriter typefaces in use
  • 1950 first credit card - Diners Club
  • 1950 first Bertelsmann book club formed
  • 1950 Victor Civita forms Editora Abril
  • 1950 Paul Hamlyn founded
  • 1950 R. C. Hoiles founds Freedom Newspapers


  • 1951 1.5 million television sets in US
  • 1951 launch of commercial radio in Japan
  • 1951 Cinerama
  • 1951 Wang Laboratories founded
  • 1951 still cameras get built-in flash units
  • 1951 coaxial cable reaches coast to coast in the US
  • 1951 André Deutsch founded
  • 1951 Peter Owen founded
  • 1951 Treaty of Paris establishes European Coal and Steel Community
  • 1952 Bing Crosby's company tests video recording
  • 1952 Nixdorf Computer founded
  • 1952 US government sues IBM for monopolizing punched-card machine industry
  • 1952 Sony produces first transistor radios
  • 1952 UNIVAC I projects the winner of the presidential election on CBS
  • 1952 Zenith proposes pay-TV system using punched cards
  • 1952 est. 22m television sets in US homes
  • 1953 first issue of TV Guide
  • 1953 Axel Springer buys Die Welt
  • 1953 launch of commercial TV in Japan
  • 1953 Fairfax grabs Associated Newspapers
  • 1953 National Cash Register enters computer market through purchase of Computer Research Corporation
  • 1954 Village Roadshow media group founded
  • 1954 Television Act establishes UK Independent Television Authority (ITA)
  • 1954 FORTRAN created by John Backus
  • 1954 IBM markets 650 computer, using drum storage
  • 1954 USSR launches Sputnik
  • 1954 regular colour TV broadcasts begin in the US
  • 1954 TV ad revenue exceeds radio revenue in US for first time
  • 1954 Robert Borkenstein patents breathalyser
  • 1955 NBC president David Sarnoff says "Television will never be a medium of entertainment"
  • 1955 Disneyland opened
  • 1955 EMI buys Capitol Records in US
  • 1955 launch of L'Espresso
  • 1955 Remington-Rand & Sperry Gyroscope merge as Sperry-Rand
  • 1955 rebranding sees start of Marlboro Man campaign
  • 1955 first fluoride toothpaste, Crest
  • 1955 music recorded on tape in stereo
  • 1955 US record sales reach US$277m pa
  • 1956 television broadcasting in Australia
  • 1956 Granada TV starts broadcasting in UK
  • 1956 first transatlantic telephone cable
  • 1956 television in 71% of US households
  • 1956 first hard disk drive at IBM
  • 1956 IBM settles punch card dispute through DOJ consent decree
  • 1956 Ampex builds practical videotape recorder
  • 1956 Bell Labs tests picture phone
  • 1956 first transatlantic telephone calls by cable
  • 1956 term 'artificial intelligence' devised
  • 1956 first use of "Elvis has left the building"
  • 1956 Burroughs Adding Machine Company enters computer market through purchase of Electrodata
  • 1957 Treaty of Rome establishes European Economic Community
  • 1957 Control Data Corporation formed
  • 1957 Digital Equipment (DEC) formed
  • 1957 National Opinion Polls (NOP) founded in UK
  • 1957 Soviet Union's Sputnik sends signals from space
  • 1957 first Japanese car sold in US
  • 1957 FORTRAN becomes first high-level computer language
  • 1957 UNIVAC II marketed
  • 1957 Sony TR63 is first pocket transistor radio
  • 1957 surgical operation is televised
  • 1957 Vance Packard's The Hidden Persuaders
  • 1957 Chomsky's Syntactic Structures
  • 1957 first book to be entirely phototypeset is offset printed
  • 1958 US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency founded
  • 1958 Minsky founds AI Lab at MIT
  • 1958 Warner Bros records formed
  • 1958 UNIMATE is first industrial robot
  • 1958 colour videotape recording
  • 1958 laser invented at Bell Labs
  • 1958 integrated circuit
  • 1958 cable carries FM radio stations
  • 1958 Galbraith's The Affluent Society
  • 1958 Bank of America launches first US credit card
  • 1958 AT&T markets first modems
  • 1959 local ads go on cable TV in the US
  • 1959 Xerox's first automatic paper copier
  • 1959 "A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play"
  • 1959 French SECAM and German PAL television systems
  • 1959 first packaged program sold by Computer Science Corporation
  • 1959 Advance buys Conde Nast magazine group
  • 1959 Axel Springer buys majority of Ullstein AG
  • 1959 Grundy Productions founded in Australia
  • 1959 Tisch brothers buy Loews cinema chain from MGM
  • 1959 US record sales reach US$600m pa