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User:Charles Matthews/New - academics

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J. D. Bernal - C. H. Herford - Alexander Francis Chamberlain - Jean Wahl - Mary Douglas - Ernst Troeltsch - Max Reischle - Wilhelm Windelband - Heinrich Rickert - Otto von Gierke

Ernest Robert Curtius - G. Wilson Knight - Linda Colley - David Cannadine - Norman Cohn - Irving Babbitt - John Neville Figgis - Michael Schudson - J. H. Plumb - Rudolph Goclenius

J. H. Hexter - John Pocock - Phillip Vellacott - Walter Lacquer - John Charvet - Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger - Albert Mathiez - Georg Mehlis - Richard Kroner - Rudolf Haym

H. B. Acton - David Gress - Harold Temperley - Julius Ebbinghaus - Paul de Lagarde - Christoph Cellarius - Richard Baerwald - Ernst Bernheim - Johannes Clauberg - Robert Flint

Friedrich Harms - Rudolf Hildebrand - Rudolf Hirzel - Thomas Hyde - Godefroid Kurth - Robert Adamson - Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg - Johannes Nikolaus Tetens - Johannes Sleidanus - Gottschalk Eduard Guhrauer



Wilhelm Traugott Krug - Karl Leonhard Reinhold - Siegbert Salomon Prawer - Christopher Ricks - Ernest de Sélincourt - Bernard Bergonzi - Leslie Fiedler - Frank Kermode - Denis Donoghue - M. H. Abrams

Friedrich Gundolf - John Elof Boodin - Frank Lentricchia - William Ritchie Sorley - Theodor Gaster - Maud Bodkin - Francis Fergusson - Arthur Bernard Cook - Marcel Granet - Walter Wilson Greg

Friedrich Brunstäd - Theodore Ziolkowski - Jonathan Bate - Brian Attebery - William Paton Ker - Richard Wolin - Sheldon Wolin - Nevill Coghill - Lisa Jardine - Gustav Shpet

Hans-Robert Jauss - E. D. Hirsch Jr. - Murray Krieger - Carl L. Becker - Cushing Strout - Susanne Langer - Thomas Bottomore - E. O. James - Paul Natorp - Samuel Henry Hooke

R. W. B. Lewis - Walter Jackson Bate - Karl Miller - Jonathan Sumption - Robert Skidelsky - Robert Scholes - Helen Vendler - Zeno Vendler - Eduard Sievers - Levin Ludwig Schücking



Charles Leslie Wrenn - Walter Horace Bruford - Roger Sherman Loomis - Robert Darnton - Michael Riffaterre - Paul Zumthor - William Newton-Smith - Jay Parini - Francis Glisson - Andrew Seth

Thomas Rice Henn - Herbert John Clifford Grierson - Lionel Charles Knights - F. M. Powicke - Regius Professor of Modern History (Oxford) - Marjorie Grene - E. M. W. Tillyard - Geoffrey Hartman - Frederick S. Boas - J. P. Stern

Emily Vermeule - Simon Critchley - Peter Dews - Gillian Rose - M. C. Bradbrook - David Daiches - Harry Levin - Henry Habberley Price - Wilhelm Worringer - Harald Weinrich

H. W. Garrod - Lancelot Hogben - Barry Buzan - Emilio Betti - Darko Suvin - Alfred Vierkandt - Kenneth G. T. Webster - Lionel Kochan - Hector Munro Chadwick - Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer

Gustav Bickell - Henry Melvill Gwatkin - Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare - Ian Theodor Beelen - Thomas Joseph Lamy - Gottlieb Nathaniel Bonwetsch - Owen Lattimore - Thomas Middleton Raysor - John Dewar Denniston - Richard Altick



Susan Stebbing - Louis Massebieau - Thomas Christian Tychsen - Oluf Gerhard Tychsen - Robert Seymour Conway - Michael Richard Daniell Foot - Leopold Cohn (author) - Jan Mukařovský - Emil Baehrens - Rudolf Hercher

F. W. Bateson - Geoffrey Barraclough - Johann Andreas Schmeller - Ernst Windisch - Christoph Meiners - C. H. Dodd - George Augustus Simcox - Fritz Hommel - Daniel Bonifacius von Haneberg - Ferdinand Wüstenfeld

Salomon Munk - John of Jandun - César-Egasse du Boulay - Henry of Langenstein - Nicholas of Clemanges - Carl Bezold - Geoffrey Kirk - James Pounder Whitney - Isidor Hilberg - Péter Szondi

Harold Segel - Charles Raymond Beazley - Enid Starkie - William Abbott Oldfather - Willibald Kirfel - Gustave Glotz - Pierre Macquer - Michel Pêcheux - Albert Lautman - John Cook Wilson

John Saville - Eileen Power - Michael Postan - Antoine-Elisée Cherbuliez - Richard Cobb - Edwin Cannan - Felix Kaufmann - Hezekiah Burton - David Wilkins (orientalist) - Edward Ullendorff



Joseph Haroutunian - John Plamenatz - James Wycliffe Headlam - Sidney Edward Mezes - W. K. C. Guthrie - Colin Murray Turbayne - Nicolas Bonet - Willard Fiske - Ludwig Edelstein - Walter Ullmann

Rowland Berthoff - Jay Blumler - Elizabeth Grosz - Nicholas Garnham - Basil Bernstein - Richard Poirier - Francis Crawford Burkitt - Francesco Vimercato - Placentinus - Bernard of Botone

Augustin Renaudet - Ernest Barker - Mikhail Grigoryevich Pavlov - Barthélémy Aneau - Guido de Baysio - Guido da Suzzara - Oldradus de Ponte - John of Legnano - Alberico de Rosate - Karl Vossler

Franz Boll - George Stuart Gordon - James Garbett - Valentin Schindler - Richard Laurence - Edward Nares - Philip Wheelwright - Leo Spitzer - Johann Heinrich Bisterfeld - Daniel Sennert

Robert Eisler - S. G. F. Brandon - Eric Santner - Remo Bodei - Julius Ruska - Andrea Argoli - Daniel Chwolson - Paolo da Pergola - Johannes Hoornbeek - Johann Christoph Wagenseil



Salomon Lefmann - Hermann Usener - Petrus Mosellanus - Felix Liebrecht - Adam de Wodeham - Jakob Thomasius - Casimir Lewy - Wilhelm Meyer (philologist) - Christoph Helvig - Joseph Fontenrose

Erycius Puteanus - David Knowles - Henry Richards Luard - Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy - Henry Malter - Benjamin Bickley Rogers - Robert Lubbock Bensly - Henry Barclay Swete

Cuthbert Hamilton Turner - Karen Leigh King - Richard August Reitzenstein - George Jardine - Marc Angenot - Frederick Field (scholar) - Richard Holdsworth - Ernest Langlois‎ - Willem Jozef Andreas Jonckbloet - Antoine Thomas (linguist)

Alfred Jeanroy - Edmond Faral - Abraham Wheelocke - Eugen Kölbing - Ignazio Guidi - Archibald MacMechan - Hugo Buchtal - Wilhelm Geiger - Aubrey Gwynn - George Kitson Clark

William Herbert Dray - Bernard Berelson - Jack Meiland - Leonard Krieger - Émile Gebhart - Marius Nizolius - Heinrich Gelzer - Gustav Adolf Deissmann - Leonard Linsky - Brian Vickers (academic)



Ivan Mortimer Linforth - Harold James Dyos - Francis Michael Longstreth Thompson - Pierre Goubert - Austin Herbert Woolrych - Peter Mathias - Stephen Gaukroger - Johann Joachim Bellermann - Johannes Jakob Buxtorf - Barbara Kiefer Lewalski

Eugenio Garin - Edward Miller (historian) (split out) - Patrick Collinson - Alexander Ferrier Mitchell - Arthur West Haddan - Frederick John Teggart - Wallace Notestein - E. M. Butler - Keith Middlemas