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Józef Oleksy (Sejm page)



Józef Oleksy

Data i miejsce urodzenia: 22.06.1946, Nowy Sącz Stan cywilny: żonaty

Wykształcenie: wyższe, dr nauk ekonomicznych Nazwa szkoły i kierunek:

Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki, Wydział Handlu Zagranicznego - mgr Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki, Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze - dr

Staż parlamentarny: poseł X kadencji, poseł I kadencji, poseł II kadencji, poseł III kadencji Wybrany dnia: 23.09.2001

lista: Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy

okręg wyborczy: 18 Siedlce liczba głosów: 55703 Marszałek Sejmu od 21.04.2004

Klub parlamentarny: Klub Parlamentarny Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej Nr skrytki: 276

Date of birth: 22 June 1946 Place of birth: Nowy Sącz

from 21/04 2004 Marshal (Speaker) of the Sejm (Lower House of the Parliament) of the Republic of Poland 01- 04 2004 Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Administration 2002 - 2003 Delegate to the European Convention 2001 - 2004 Chairman of the European Committee of the Sejm, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee 2001 - 2003 Co-Chairman of the EU - Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee 1997 - 2001 Member of the EU - Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee 1996 - 1997 Chairman of the Social Democratic Party 1995 - 1996 Prime Minister 1993 - 1995 Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland 1991 - 1996 Vice- Chairman of the Social Democratic Party 1989 - 1993 Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe 1989 - 1990 Minister, Member of the Cabinet since 1989 Deputy to the Sejm, Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Left Alliance Parliamentary Club, Vice-Chairman of the International Economic Relations Committee, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Member of the Constitutional Committee of the National Assembly 1989 Participant of the historical "Round Table" Conference Since 1969 Researcher at the Faculty of Foreign Trade, Vice-director of the International Law Department at the Warsaw School of Economics 1969 - 1972 Founder and President of the Movement of Young Scientists in Poland

Education: 1969 Graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, Faculty of Foreign Trade 1971 - 1972 Post-graduate studies at the European Faculty of Comparative Law in Strasbourg and Pescara 1977 PhD in Economics

Many publications in the field of economics and political sciences. Married. Two children.