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Summary: A group of commandos goes back in time to rescue Jesus from the cross. They are using a time travelling Black Hawk helicopter.

The commandos bring the chopper low, mowing down Roman soldiers and anyone else who gets in the way of their guns. Most of the crowd runs, but a few devout followers fall to their knees, believing this to be the wrath of God. The chopper lands, and a dozen or so commandos jump out, securing the area.

The head commando steps out of the Black Hawk, smoking a cigar, his large assault rifle over his shoulder. The other commandos are busy controlling the crowd and shooting soldiers as he walks among them. Jesus is bewildered, terrified. Suddenly, a woman rises from her kneeling position and rushes towards the man in charge, arms raised in some attempt to touch this angel of death. He turns to meet her and in a quick motion lands a fearsome roundhouse to her face. She crumples into a pile of rags at his feet. He sucks on his cigar, eyeing the terrified citizens.

Two commandos with axes begin to chop at the cross of Christ. The head commando sees this, and runs over to them. He pushes them out of the way, yelling. Slinging his weapon over his shoulder and into firing position, he cuts through the cross like butter with his bullets. It starts to fall backward, and the two with axes rush to straighten it. It teeters back and forth, the commandos all circling it, trying to get in position. It starts to lean forwards, suddenly falling off its stump and sending Jesus face-first towards the ground. The Lamb of God's face contorts, he closes his eyes and braces for impact, when out of nowhere the head commando catches him heroically! The nails in his hands and feet hold Christ to the wood, and he is obviously in a lot of pain. The abrupt stop causes his crown of thorns to fall off, but in lifting him to safety, the commando reaches down and picks it back up, putting it back on Jesus' head. "C'mon, motherfucker!" he growls, biting down on his cigar.

With one hand, he carries the cross, his assault rifle clearing a path towards the chopper. Two commandos inside jump out, tying cables around the cross. They fit Jesus with a harness, he is still in shock, hanging his head, out of breath. The head commando signals for all to pile back in, and they do, emptying their weapons into the air.

Triumphantly, the commando throws down his cigarette, takes a last look at the crowd, and turns to Christ, who is unresponsive. "Jesus!" he shouts into his ear, "Jesus! We're taking you back to the future!" He jumps inside, and the Black Hawk lifts off the ground, the cross and Christ dangling just below it. Jesus looks up to see his followers rush after him, and then stop and stare as he flies away. He drops his head, and they disappear into the distance.

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I think the first scene should probably be the commandos in the helicopter flying and talking, just like its any old normal mission. Perhaps discussing where their mission might take them today. The audienc doesn't realize that they are in a time travelling helicopter, yet. Dead 07:00, 8 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I started writing a bit of dialogue here. The names are completely arbitrary. Change at will. The more I think about this, commandos would probably refer to themselves by last names. Someone come up with some good last names. Dead 07:00, 8 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Danny: Fuck yeah man, you should have seen the look on her face!

Soldier 2: Shut the fuck up Danny, she was only like 3 years old.

Laughter from all around the helicopter. The mood is light. There is a pause after the laughter where nothing but helicopter blades can be heard.

Danny: Yeah I know, man, I know. But I'm saying... the bitch was fucking surprised.

Soldier: You would have been surprised too if someone shoved the barrel of an AK-47 down your throat.

Danny: Are you coming on to me?

Leader: It's time to get serious... we've got a tough mission ahead of us.

Soldier: Bullshit. I bet these pussies don't even have fire yet.

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PERSON: dialogue

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PERSON: dialogue

PERSON: dialogue

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PERSON: dialogue

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PERSON: dialogue

Stage direction or description

PERSON: dialogue